Welcome to week two of the “And then we Snapped” blog circle! Several photographers have come together to support one-another in our own photo-a-day projects. I do hope you follow the circle around to see some absolutely gorgeous imagery!
I’m sharing photos from week two of my 365 project. Sooo, I’m a bit behind in blogging, and maybe I wasn’t even certain I was ready to commit to a 365 project, but it appears I’m doing this! So, here’s a peek into my world during the week of July 13-19 🙂
8/365: when you harvested your first tomato
9/365: when the two of you couldn’t wait for gymnastics to start
10/365: when I found you covered from head-to-toe in stickers
11/365: when the two of you “helped” me out at the post office
12/365: when we visited the dinosaur exhibit at the Science Museum
13/365: when you made fast friends with our newly-adopted kitty
14/365: when you made a painting on the deck
Thanks so much for stopping by! You can continue the circle by visiting Shelley’s blog.
August 12, 2014
Oh Lori these are fabulous! The light in that last shot is especially gorgeous 🙂
August 12, 2014
So lovely! Your b&w conversions are just gorgeous!
August 12, 2014
So many great childhood captures! LOVE the stickers!
Jen Bilodeau
August 12, 2014
beautiful images. love the details and color in that first shot!
Julie Moses
August 12, 2014
The dinosaur case and the painting sun flare just kick some serious photography boo-tay! Great week of captures Lori!
August 12, 2014
Lori these are breathtaking!!!! The last one — with the light in her hair. Geez.
August 12, 2014
My goodness Lori! I love each and everyone of these…the mail box photo is too cute and I love the sticker legs!! I love the black and white processing on the science museum photos too, just great
Chrissy Gilliland
August 12, 2014
I love all of these. Especially the light in the painting picture!! Great job!
Cindy Cavanagh
August 12, 2014
that sticker shot is priceless…every image is gorgeous
Mel Karlberg
August 13, 2014
I love these shots so much! They make me want to hang out with y’all and share in the fun!
Kelly Jacobi
August 13, 2014
Oh my oh my oh my!!! I love so many of these, I don’t even know where to start! <3
jennifer n.
August 13, 2014
lori…i love your work!! i cannot pick just one that i liked, because i love them all!! <3
August 20, 2014
Love love love your images! Such a talented lady you are!